September 22, 2024 at 12 PM

The Annual General Meeting is where we look back at this past fiscal year (2023-24) and celebrate what has been done, and we look forward to this coming year (2024-25) and see where we're going.

Meeting Details:

Date: Sunday, September 22, 2024

Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Location: Auditorium

We invite you to stay after the 10 AM service for lunch before we start our meeting, and are looking for people who want to serve by providing lunch donations:

Meeting agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Reflections from Pastor Daniel 
  3. Approval of Minutes of AGM 2023
  4. Election of Members for the Nominating Committee
  5. Election of Elders 
  6. Financial Report 
  7. Appointing of the Auditor for 2024-2025
  8. Presentation of the 2024-2025 Budget 
  9. Report from Tellers 
  10. Other Business 
  11. Prayer
  12. Adjournment 

If you would like a printed copy of our Annual Report and/or our Audited Financial Statements, please click the link below, fill out the form, and we will have a copy ready for you.

An important aspect of the vision and future of Unionville Alliance Church is determined by the leadership. Our members have the opportunity to vote on our new elder candidates. If you are interested in becoming a member, please let us know!

If you are a member, please click the link below to review our membership list and confirm that your name is there in order to receive a ballot.


The work of the Nominating Committee is one of the most important decisions that our church makes. To be a strong and vibrant church we need to have godly, committed elders who lead like Jesus. The Nominating Committee consists of the Lead Pastor, two elders, and two members of the church. They are charged by the Board of Elders to seek new candidates for eldership.

This year, three of our elders will be completing their term. Winston Miller has served three terms (nine years), Johnny Chankin has served two terms (six years), and John Cook has served one term (three years). Winston has served the maximum number of terms and will be completing his time on the board. John has decided not to serve another term and will continue to chair the Missions Committee. We are deeply grateful for the faithful and dedicated service of both Winston and John during their time on the board. Johnny has allowed his name to stand again for another term.

The Nominating Committee, comprised of Daniel Mills, Winston Miller, Claude Mathieu, Nancy Wilson, and Regie Bitong met to consider possible elder candidates. They have affirmed Johnny Chankin as a candidate for re-election. They have also proposed two additional elders who have both graciously agreed to let their names stand for election towards their first term as elder. They are Wes Roberts and Mike Snow. We are immensely thankful for Johnny, Wes, and Mike and their desire to serve and invest into UAC in this season. They all bring a diversity of gifts and talents to our church. Please follow the links below to read about each elder candidate. 

Members for the Nominating Committee 2025

In preparation for our Annual General Meeting 2025, we elect two members to serve on the Nominating Committee to prayerfully discuss and propose elder candidates for our AGM next year. Cheryl Roe and Lorna Tunney have have graciously allowed their names to stand for election to our Nominating Committee. Both of them have attended and served faithfully at UAC for many years. We are grateful for the ways they have impacted our church community throughout their time at UAC. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Daniel ( / 905-477-4545) or any one on our Board of Elders.