Is this your home church?

Do you call Unionville Alliance Church your home church? Your next step is to become a member, let's connect!


At Unionville Alliance Church, our mission is to lead people to know Jesus Christ and to follow him passionately. It is our desire to have a church family that would fully devote themselves to God and take every opportunity available to grow in their faith and encourage others. Becoming a member can be a defining moment your lifelong discipleship journey.

As a member, you will have the opportunity to be part of our strategy and you will be given the privilege to vote as our church makes critical decisions. There are also certain leadership positions that require the individual to be a member.


At Unionville Alliance Church, we ask that all our members, demonstrate that they are committed followers of Jesus Christ. To help you through the process, we hold regular membership classes in order to review our local church history, our statement of faith and our by-laws. Once you have applied to become a member, our Elders would love to connect with you to finalize your membership!