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I was born into a Christian home in Sri Lanka, however my faith in Christ was nominal as I grew up attending church and Sunday school regularly. When I was seventeen years of age, through a contact at Youth for Christ, I came to realize my need to accept Christ as my Saviour. I remember walking along the sea shore near my home one day, acknowledging my sinfulness and asking Christ to come into my life. Then began an exciting journey of coming together with other new Christians within Youth for Christ, spending time together and growing in His word. I am thankful to many who have impacted my life over the years, bringing me to Christ and subsequently helping me in my walk of faith. This included my godly grandmothers, my parents, Sunday school teachers, various mentors and pastors.

Not too long after I accepted Christ, I joined the Air Force as an officer due to family circumstances as my father died at a very early age. The years I served as a serviceman was a period that tested, stretched and strengthened my faith in God and for this I am so thankful. It was also a fruitful time to share my faith and the love of Christ with not only those who were hurting and in need but also with those who were cynical of Christian beliefs. I married Vino while serving with the Air Force and together we were able to minister to some of our neighbours within the service camp.

Vino and I immigrated to Canada almost 33 years ago along with our eldest son David due to the civil war that was taking place in Sri Lanka at that time. Our second son Andrew was born here five years later. We thank God that he faithfully led us and met all our needs as we settled down in Canada. The path of life for us has had its ups and down, joys and tears and many challenges. But through it all Vino and I have experienced God’s goodness and faithfulness. Tragedy struck us when our eldest son, David died in a terrible accident eleven years ago. Life has never been the same for us since and we feel that a part of us is gone. However, through all the heartache and pain and adjusting to life after our son’s passing, we continue to experience God’s amazing grace and comfort every day of our lives. We thank God for Christ and the reality of the resurrection that gives us the assurance that we will see our son who died in Christ once again in Heaven.

I have always felt that my call in serving God is in using my primary spiritual gift of Administration. Looking back, I can see how God has equipped me in this area through the various opportunities that he has brought before me, also enabling me to qualify as an accountant. This has enabled me to serve Him in many ways including through the ministry of the Canadian Bible Society for 22 years as well as serving on the board as a member and treasurer in the two churches that we worshiped in Canada – Wilmar Heights Baptist Church and First Alliance Church, Scarborough. I currently serve on the board of Toronto City Mission as the Secretary / Treasurer. Vino and I are thankful to God for bringing us to Unionville Alliance Church (UAC), where we are blessed by the worship, teaching and fellowship and we feel privileged to joyfully serve Him. It will be an honour for me to serve as an Elder at UAC, if it is the decision of the membership.

My walk with Christ continues until the day he calls me home.