U-PRAY 2025 - Day 5

The Jesus Prayer with Rhys & Naomi Foy

U-PRAY 2025 - Day 5

Join Rhys & Naomi as they share their experience praying the Jesus Prayer. When visiting a Coptic church, they experienced this prayer in a solemn and impactful service that emphasized humility and God's mercy. Repeating the Jesus Prayer throughout the day helps us deepen reflection, aligns our hearts with God, and embraces His kindness and mercy. The Jesus Prayer, an ancient prayer originating around 400 AD from Egyptian monastic groups, is simple yet profound: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." This prayer acknowledges Jesus as Lord and Saviour, the Son of God, and our need for His mercy. It has been embraced across various Christian traditions as a prayer to be repeated throughout the day, often as a breath prayer to refocus on Jesus. The Biblical basis for the prayer comes from three key scriptures: Philippians 2:6-11 (Lord Jesus Christ), Luke 1:31-33 (Son of God), and Luke 18:9-14 (Have mercy on me, a sinner). These passages highlight Jesus' divinity, humanity, and our humble position before God.

Song: Kyrie Eleison (which means, "Lord, have mercy")

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