E-BULLETIN - May 19, 2024

Digital E-Bulletin for Sunday Worship Service


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Pentecost, occurring fifty days after Easter, marks the pivotal moment when the Holy Spirit was bestowed upon the disciples, igniting the birth of the church's mission. This mission, as outlined in Matthew 28:19-20, is to make disciples of all nations. Jesus, through his incarnation, death, and resurrection, had already bestowed upon humanity the gift of salvation from our sinful nature. Now, he entrusts the church with the task of spreading this transformative message to the world. With the gift of the Holy Spirit, Emmanuel resides within us—the church, entrusting us with the mission to spread Jesus' good news to the world. This task is made possible through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to spend time with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. How will we cooperate with the Spirit’s enabling?

Unleashing the Power Within: Exploring the Spirit of Pentecost // Pastor Leonor Lopes

Our UAC Choir will be performing on Sunday!


Whether you are here for the first time or the fourth time, we'd love to connect with you and help you get oriented and find your place within our church. As a bonus, we will donate $5 for every new connection we receive to a charity that we are passionate about supporting. Currently, we are supporting Toronto Alliance's Outreach, bringing restoration for people experiencing homelessness and poverty in the downtown core. 


It is important to keep providing our families with the lessons and tools to keep your children looking to God for answers.

Kids stay with their families for the first 15 minutes of the Service before being dismissed to their classes.

Power Up! (Birth - Gr. 5):

  • Please check in your children, for dismissal ~15 minutes after service starts! Learn more >>
  • Room 3 is also open for livestreaming with family, as well as for those aged 3 and under

Extension (Gr. 6 - 8):

  • Extension Youth join downstairs in Room 10 after dismissal, 15 minutes after service starts Learn more >>


Our Prayer Team is available to pray with you or for you. They will be at the front, back and around the auditorium after the service for those who are attending in-person. As for those who are attending online, fill out our prayer request form and we will be sure to pray for you.



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